A Current View

I’m working on some other stuff today, but I wanted to post this photo before I moved on to my other tasks. 

My husband took this photo of me yesterday as we settled down to eat at Freshii* (veggie bowl for husband, tofu wrap for me) in downtown Dallas yesterday. We’d just participated in the Women’s March & rally in Dallas. Considering I’m three weeks post-back surgery, participating in any march or rally seems like a bad choice. However, I couldn’t miss the opportunity to join the not only women, but all progressives and minorities, who marched and rallied yesterday in solidarity with the massive mother march in D.C. I was rewarded with tons of inspiration and the knowledge I’m not alone.

Politics aside and back to my original point, I wanted to post this photo because it shows me as I am now.

I’m chubby. You can see the bags under my eyes from lack of sleep or at least from irregular sleep. I have worry wrinkles beginning to show between my eyebrows. My hair, skin, and eyebrows could use some professional attention. I look like a lot of us look, every day of their lives: weary.

This blog is about weight loss and gain, primarily. But I want to go deeper than that and take a look at what’s underneath. At how tired we are. How all the outside input lends to our poor health and weight problems.

I made this photo my Facebook profile photo (with, some, umm, help from a black and white filter) so that for at least a few weeks, I can’t hide behind great scenery, good makeup and hair, or any of the other accoutrements I often rely on for a good Facebook profile photo (except for the black and white filter, of course). And, accordingly, it got only about a dozen “likes” compared to the fancier profile photos I’ve posted.

But here I am, world. I’m tired, I’m overweight, but I’m marchin’.


*Freshii is a small restaurant we happened upon in Dallas yesterday. The restaurant does not advertise on this blog or contribute to it in any way to it. Its mention was not for any gain. 

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